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Fecha: 03.03.2020
Autor: IvushkinPub
Asunto: automatic captcha recognition
In addition, XRumer bypasses text protection against robots - questions like “How much will 2 + 2?”, “Name the capital of Russia”, etc.
The program knows more than 170,000 answers to such questions, all arithmetic is automatically calculated, and the knowledge base is updated monthly.
A set of unique technologies allows you to achieve very good and interesting results.
High-tech functions such as the Antispam thematic distribution system (a message is sent to each forum in accordance with the topics of this forum, regardless of language and region), the Question-Answer system and others - distinguish XRumer from other similar complexes, creating opportunities for real Smart and even socially useful mailing.
For Xrumer Acquisition Issues -
Captcha recognition / automatic captcha input
Surely almost everyone came across an inscription when registering on any site: "Enter the number you see" and a distorted picture. This CAPTCHA (CAPTCHA, pictocode, ticket) is a graphic protection designed to distinguish between people and programs.
For Xrumer Acquisition Issues -
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Fecha: 28.02.2020
Autor: JeffreyKem
Asunto: seo продвижение сайтов в сша Самара
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Fecha: 26.02.2020
Autor: ukrnshopees
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Fecha: 16.02.2020
Autor: Russelldib94
Asunto: Помогите найти взломанную Anger Of Stick 4
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Вот на [url=]этом[/url] сайте она есть, но версия игры уже устарела, а я ищу последнюю версию с модом.
Fecha: 15.03.2020
Autor: Gwsoilldib90
Asunto: Где порыбачить новичку
Подскажите пожалуйста, рыбалкой увлекаюсь недавно, где лучше начинать осваивать данное хобби?
Вот тут нашел инфу, но лучше что бы вы направили в нужное русло.
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Fecha: 09.02.2020
Autor: MariaTet
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Fecha: 09.02.2020
Autor: MaztikAncelf
Asunto: Over the bur of an instructional soul man inter prostyle remaining...
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Fecha: 06.02.2020
Autor: monecy
Asunto: Monecy. Inversiones inteligentes para su futuro.
Como inversores de bienes raices nosotros mismos, pasamos anos invirtiendo a traves del enfoque tradicional, solo para ver muchas de las ganancias de esas inversiones consumidas por ineficiencia, gastos generales innecesarios y intermediarios que agregaron poco valor.Hartos de la antigua forma de hacer las cosas, comenzamos Monecy con la simple idea de usar la tecnologia para redefinir como las personas invirtieron en bienes raices: reducir los costos, mejorar la calidad y ampliar el acceso.Nos enfrentamos a nuestra parte justa de escepticos, incluidos profesionales de la industria que nos dijeron que nuestra idea era imposible.
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Fecha: 05.02.2020
Autor: HerbertoGlype
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